International ITS Harmonization Workshop

International ITS Harmonization Workshop

Jointly organized by

EU-US ITS Cooperation - Harmonization Task Groups 1 & 3



and hosted by

Fraunhofer SIT, Darmstadt, Germany

November, 15-16, 2012

Throughout 2012, the harmonization task groups #1 (Security and Management Protocols) and #3 (Joint protocols for safety and sustainability services) created a series of reports that discuss the status of harmonization of ITS standardization activities between the EU and the US. Furthermore, the HTG gave recommendations for future directions of standardization activities. The main reports can be downloaded from here.
Together with the EU FP7 Project PRESERVE, the HTGs would now like to invite representatives from SDOs and other stakeholders, international experts, and other interested participants to discuss the outcomes of this work and the uptake of the results in the standardization process. Furthermore, the workshop will provide a platform for experts and stakeholders to meet and discuss the strategy and next steps. The two days will include presentations of HTG results, feedback from SDOs, and expert discussions.


Participation to the workshop is free of charge. However, the number of places is limited and they will be distributed on a first-come-first-serve-basis. So ensure to register quickly if you want to participate. Please follow this link for your registration.

Programme (final)

Thursday, 15.11.2012
09:00 Arrival of participants  
09:30 Welcome

Jonathan Petit, PRESERVE
Wolfgang Höfs, DG CONNECT


Introduction to EU-US Harmonization Activities & Harmonization Policies
incl. Discussion on Goals for Harmonization

Steve Sill, US DOT
Wolfgang Höfs, DG CONNECT
Knut Evensen, Q-Free

12:00 Lunch  
13:00 HTG 3 Results
Presentation of HTG Documents, Panel discussion
Steve Sill, US DOT (Moderator)
Ola Martin Lykkja, Q-Free
John Moring, Moring Consulting
Richard Roy, SRA Inc.
15:00 Break  
15:30 HTG 1 Results
Presentation of HTG Documents, Panel discussion

Wolfgang Höfs, DG CONNECT (Moderator)
Scott Cadzow, C3L
Jonathan Petit, UTwente & PRESERVE
Brigitte Lonc, Renault,
Timo van Roermond, NXP

17:00 PRESERVE Contribution to Harmonization Jonathan Petit, UTwente & PRESERVE
17:45 End  
Evening Joint dinner in Darmstadt (at own expenses)
Friday, 16.11.2012
09:00 Parallel Sessions HTG 1 & 3
Detailed discussions of documents among experts, relation to existing and currently drafted standards, discussion of uptake
Scott Cadzow (HTG 1),
Hans-Joachim Fischer (HTG 3)
10:00 Break  
11:00 HTG Conclusions
HTG Lessons Learned, HTG 1 & 3 Conclusions
Knut Evensen, Q-Free
Hans-Joachim Fischer, ESF
Scott Cadzow, C3L
12:00 Lunch  

SDO Uptake and Future Steps
(C2C-CC Sec. WG, ETSI WG5, IEEE 1609, CEN/ISO)

Wolfgang Höfs, DG CONNECT (Moderator)

Timo van Roermund, NXP
Scott Cadzow, C3L
John Moring, Moring Consulting
Richard Roy, SRA Inc.
14:55 Concluding Remarks
Wolfgang Höfs, DG CONNECT
Steve Sill, US DOT
15:00 End  

Travel and Hotel Information

The workshop will be heldt in Darmstadt, Germany which is conveniently located close to the Frankfurt Airport that is one of the major airports in Europe and well connected to destinations all around the globe. The Airliner bus takes you in just 30 minutes from the airport to the center of Darmstadt. The workshop venue will be the "darmstadtium" congress center. Please look here for travel information and here for hotel recommendations.